Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Beijing Olympic is getting closer

Beijing Olympic is getting closer day by day. I remember last October I went to Beijing for a conference, they are still constructing the "Bird Nest" stadium.

I am quite touched by this song, 北京欢迎你, and I was told that there is another version done by the elderly from china, anticipating their olympic dreams. Read HERE. The production fee for this elderly version is amazingly cheap, only RMB 500.00 (equivalent about RM 250.00).


制作:陈少琪 小柯 余秉翰

A1 迎接另一个晨曦 带来全新空气 陈天佳
气息改变情味不变 茶香飘满情谊 刘欢

A2 我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 那英
拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 孙燕姿

B1 不管远近都是客人请不用客气 孙悦
相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你 王力宏

A3 我家种着万年青 开放每段传奇 韩红
为传统的土壤播种 为你留下回忆 周华健

B2 陌生熟悉都是客人请不用拘礼 梁咏琪
第几次来没关系 有太多话题 羽泉

C1 北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 成龙
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 任贤齐
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 蔡依林
在黄土地刷新成绩 孙楠
A4 我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地 周笔畅
岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期 韦唯

B3 天大地大都是朋友请不用客气 黄晓明
画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你 韩庚

C2 北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 汪峰
让我们都加油去超越自己 莫文蔚
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 谭晶
有勇气就会有奇迹 陈奕迅

C3 北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 阎维文
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 戴玉强
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 王霞 李双松
在黄土地刷新成绩 廖昌永

C4 北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 林依轮
让我们都加油去超越自己 张娜拉
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 林俊杰
有勇气就会有奇迹 阿杜
solo 京戏

A5 我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 容祖儿
拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 李宇春

B4 不管远近都是客人请不用客气 黄大炜
相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你 陈坤

C5 北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 谢霆锋
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 韩磊
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 徐若瑄
在黄土地刷新成绩 费翔
A6 我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地 汤灿
岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期 林志玲 张梓琳

B5 天大地大都是朋友请不用客气 张靓颖
画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你 许茹芸 伍思凯

C6 北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 杨坤 范玮琪
让我们都加油去超越自己 游鸿明 周晓欧
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 沙宝亮 满文军
有勇气就会有奇迹 金海心 何润东

C7 北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 飞儿 庞龙
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 吴克群 齐峰
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 5566 胡彦斌
在黄土地刷新成绩 郑希怡 刀郎

C8 北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 纪敏加 屠洪刚 吴彤
让我们都加油去超越自己 郭容 刘耕宏 腾格尔
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 金莎 苏醒 韦嘉
有勇气就会有奇迹 付丽珊 黄征 房祖明

C9 北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 全体群唱
有勇气就会有奇迹 全体群唱
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 全体群唱
有勇气就会有奇迹 全体群唱

Revealing my new house........

Have been a busy month, and I am aware that I didn't post many blog entry for the whole month. Basically I was busy with a few things on hand, 1) Moving to a new house, 2) Busy with experiments, 3) Busy with my literature review and 4) Busy with my Soka Gakkai activities.

Status report
1) New house - settling nicely with my very good housemate Thomas.
2) Experiments - it is a never ending process, progressing and promissing
3) Literature review - Yahoo!!! I finally finish my whole draft and my supervisor is reading it now
4) Soka Gakkai activities - So much to learn, and so happy to learn it. Basically we are learning how to respect each and every individual's buddha nature.

So this entry, I will mainly focus on my new house.

I know many of my friends and family in Malaysia have not seen my new house, and I shall talk more about it. On 20/7/2008, Thomas and I had invited some soka gakkai members to gather in our house as a house warming. It was a pot luck style gathering, so we bring our own food and just mingle around with friends.

In the morning, I went straight to Victoria market to buy some vegetables. I wanted to cook Hainan Chicken rice (without chicken) haha.. I was informed that Grace was cooking curry chicken, and so I just thought chicken rice (rice only) will be a good combination to go with the curry. And so I did cook oil the rice, and and mom, you will sure proud of me if you try the chicken rice haha...

And eventually, there are so many people coming to our place, and they brought so much food, more than even all of us can finish...

And so, everyone had fun, and really encouraging each other while satisfying their own stomach with the superb food that everyone brought to our house.

After all these people had a full stomach, they start to mingles with dogs as well haha... This pair of dogs belong to Johnson, I am not good in taking care of dogs... if you want someone to take care of your cells cultures, then yes, you found the right person for your job.

Haha, when you persist to read until the very end, I know what you are thinking now..... You must me thinking how my room looks like....

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The end, will be another journey's beginning

Today I had received a shocking news, about my student in Monash. He decided to terminate his life, due to unknown reason.

I am quite close to him, as he was in my lab when I was a demonstrator in Monash. He was a good student and very cheerful person. I enjoyed talking to him. Here and here for the story.

Just earlier before I receive this shocking news, I had a realization of the wonder of life.

As there was a talk given in my institute, talking about gene, circuit and movement. I was amazed how complex our body works, and to walk properly, it took so many circuit to coordinate flawlessly. In our body, there are about 30,000 genes. Through the developmental process from embryo to a baby, all these genes must work in a synchronized patten only can form a wonderful person like you. Then these 30,000 genes must coordinate and then to maintain their function when you are growing or alive. So it must be a miracle when you are still a life, while the probability of all these 30,000 gene to work completely fine is (1/2)^30,000. (This is still without counting the time for every second). So being alife is really wonderful, and getting every neuron circuits work nicely is also wonderful.

However, there are too many people who doesn't realize this, and thought the whole world owe them all. Life if too short to begrudge, and we must life a happy life. See only the best in you and in others, and never give up to be happy.

My dearest student, Nick, Hope your life goes back to the universe and rest in peace.

I wish I could have more dialogue with you, so that I could carry your burden together with you, give you hope and courage. The end of your life, is another journey's beginning.

I will sincerely chant for you to so that you will have compassion, courage and wisdom in your life no matter where you go or reborn.

Nam myoho renge kyo, Nam myoho renge kyo, Nam myoho renge kyo.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I have move from Graduate House

Bye Bye to my luxurious room in Graduate House.

I have move out from the 5 start room and start renting an apartment with my friend Thomas. So it is more economical and we have settled in nicely.